Lipizzaner Stallions

$150.00 Double Fan


Lipizzaner Stallions

Lipizzaner compared to the whitest daylilies (Group 2).


Lipizzaner compared to Gentle Shepherd in my hand,

Lipizzaner Stallions

Originated by Manfred Heinrich 2021, Dip, 25" tall, 5" diameter, Midseason, dormant, 4 branches, 23 buds. Very white daylily. I grow about 75 white daylilies and, having seriously compared them all, this is the whitest of all of them. Fertile both ways. This is an important plant for anyone who wants to breed white daylilies, or has been waiting for a very white daylily. Parentage is unknown.

A friend sent me this plant years ago because she believed it was whiter than everything else including Gentle Shepherd. People know that I am in a group of daylily enthusiasts who have evaluated more than 250 white daylilies so this is a claim I hear often, and it is a claim that is mostly unfulfilled. As I watched Lipizzaner bloom, however, I observed that it is not only a Group 2 white (this is the whitest group we have for only a few daylilies) but that it is, in my studied opinion, whiter than all the others. So I was convinced that we should register this cultivar because it should be used in breeding additional white daylilies. Manfred Heinrich is the person who first purchased this unidentified white seedling in Austria and then on his behalf I registered the daylily as Lipizzaner Stallions. I have included this plant as a 2023 introduction because this year I finally have a few plants to offer and I hope that it can be widely shared.

Contact Info

Perfect Perennials
3210 Ruppert Rd
York PA 17408
P:(717) 880-5553

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